Distillation, Chamomile & Inglenook Farm
Thursday 31st July 2014 Watching Daisies grow
Thursday 17th July 2014 Lavender Harvest It’s that time of year again, when our lavender is finally ready to be harvested. Lavender comes into full bloom, typically in late June/early July, but it varies each season as the harmony and balance between sunshine, rain, soil and nature shift. It must be harvested at its peak, to early and the oil is not at its best, too late and the flower begins to wilt. It must be harvested on a dry day, as wet flowers are harder to distil. As you can imagine, the marriage of the above elements, is a tricky one, and knowing just when to harvest requires a keen eye and close observation, plus a lot of luck when it comes to Mother Nature! This harvest has stopped and started as we navigated rain showers and late blooming rows, but finally it is all in. Happy volunteers leant a helping hand, as they enjoyed the scents (and the café customers too as the glorious wafted over the sunny garden). The first batches will be distilling as we speak, so keep posted as the first oil of the season is made.
Wednesday 09th July 2014 Lavender Lambs
Saturday 05th July 2014 Welcome to our brand new blog