Distillation, Chamomile & Inglenook Farm
Home / Distillation, Chamomile & Inglenook Farm
Saturday 05th July 2014 Welcome to our brand new blog
Hello, and welcome to our brand new blog here at Essencia Oils! We will aim to keep you updated on our growing & harvesting seasons, and to give you snippets of the distillation process and the stunning essential oils it produces. There will be sneaky peeks into life at Inglenook Farm, all our animals, crops & other goings on.
This week seems as good a week as any to kick things off, as we are preparing to harvest the lavender. The field is in full bloom now and looking absolutely stunning. It always seems a shame to have to cut it, but cut it we must!
We are now on the lookout for volunteers to help hand pick the lavender, should you be interested......
Posted on July 05th 2014 at 02:55pm