Now all the lavender has been harvested and distilled, our attention has returned to the Chamomile fields.
What most people who visit us at
Inglenook Farm assume, is that we are only a Lavender Farm, when the reality is more than 3/4 of our land is dedicated to Chamomile. Our Roman (or English) Chamomile certified organic, as the lavender. Its pretty, delicate daisy like flower blankets the fields and so is not as noticeable or visually stunning as the Lavender.
Non the less, it is a brilliant, fragrant flower which produces an essential oil as versatile, aromatic and useful as the lavender.
We have been observing it closely, lovingly checking each field daily, waiting for it all to fully open. As with the lavender, it is a very fine window to the flowers all being open and at their peak, and catching that window to harvest. This rain over the last two days is helping, and we should be harvesting in earnest next week.
A small patch was brought in and distilled to check the condition and yield, and we will leave you with this picture of the first official batch of this years vivid blue oil